All American Animation is a purveyor of rare original production animation art used by the film studios to make animated films and cartoons from the 1930’s to the 1980’s. We offer original animation cels and drawings as well as conceptual paintings from Disney, Warner Bros. Hanna Barbera, MGM, Walter Lantz, Jay Ward, Fox and other studios as well. The art is museum framed and ready to enjoy on your walls.
General Privacy Policy:
It is All American Animation’s policy to keep your name, address, phone and e-mail confidential. Information you send us will be used to send you information about our company and to contact you. We will never sell or share your personal information.
Opting Out, Correcting and/or Updating Personal Information:
You have the option to remove yourself from our mailing or phone lists at any time. You may “opt-out” to not have your information used by us for any or some purposes. You can also correct, update or remove your contact information. If you need to change your address, phone or e-mail or other information, or if you want to remove your contact information, you can do through our contact page at:
Return Policy:
If for any reason you want to return a piece of art, you have 10 days from the day you take delivery to contact for a return and to receive a full refund. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on any art, books or leather portfolios that have been personalized for the collector.
Changes To Privacy Policy:
If we change our privacy policy, we’ll post the changes on this website. We will always notify you on our website of the types of information that we keep about our visitors and how we use it.
Restrictions on Use of Materials:
All characters are copyright and trademark their respective owners and/or studio of origination. Other matter on this site is the copyrighted and trademarked property of All American Animation, LLC. No graphic material from this site may be downloaded, copied, reproduced, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, saved or distributed in any way, and any such use, or any other use, is expressly prohibited.